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What Is the Cabinet Facelift?

What exactly is a cabinet facelift? It is basically the process of removing the outer layer of skin on the face which can be considered a more youthful and attractive look. Facelifts can be performed in both the plastic and cosmetic surgeries but there are some differences between the two. The surgery of facial skin can be carried out for cosmetic reasons or for medical reasons, for example if your face has been broken in an accident and scarring has been formed, then you can get a facelift to remove the scars.

If the face lift is being considered because of acne then the surgeon will usually prescribe antibiotics to clear the skin of any bacteria before and after the surgery. This can be done by using creams, ointments, gels, or even liquid nitrogen. The surgery normally takes around two hours for maximum results. Recovery is usually quite short, but if your skin is still sensitive after the operation then you should avoid excessive scrubbing or anything that may irritate it.

Your skin will be bruised after the surgery so you should avoid touching it. You may experience some swelling, and pain but these will subside within a few days. After the face lift is performed, you may need to have bruising corrected as this will make your face appear smoother. You should be able to resume normal activities in no time at all.

There are different types of facial skin surgeries and some require completely reconstructing the face. In this case, you may have stitches in the area where the surgery was performed along with a new face lift. You may have to have the stitches removed after about a year so you can then use your own skin to cover them. However, sometimes there is just enough excess skin that a new face lift cannot correct. Your plastic surgeon will usually give you advice on what to do in this situation.

There is also a less drastic type of face lift that can be done. This will take about two weeks for it to be completed. It is less invasive than the first operation and will involve removing only the facial muscles and taking away the excess skin. After this is done, you can return to work and most similar facial skin treatments can be done. You can use your own skin to cover up any small patches where the skin has been removed.

Cabinet facelifts are not always necessary for those who have a natural younger looking face. If you do not like the way you look after having the surgery done, you can still get a good job done at a good price by going to a cosmetic surgeon for a laser resurfacing procedure. This will help to get rid of the fine wrinkles around the eyes and around the mouth and lips. You may also be able to get your jawline to look better by getting a rhinoplasty. For more details visit the best